First things first, let’s be clear - I am NOT a therapist, I’m a
veteran mom passionate about helping other moms.


practical, doable, and attainable

My coaching practice serves moms in three key ways. We can:

  • Give you more confidence in your parenting by developing concrete tools and strategies that make motherhood easier.

  • Find more of yourself again so you can find more joy in your days.

  • Weed through the millions of voices telling you how to be the “best” mom to find a parenting style that works for you.

Coaching is ideal for :

  • Moms who want to gentle or responsive parent but feel overwhelmed, short-tempered, or feel that some strategies seem impractical (looking at you, moms with a handful of kids)

  • Parents who want to be better at this right away. Therapy is great, breaking generational cycles is great. But you needed to get to work like, yesterday.

  • Moms who need to reclaim their authority as parent from kids who seem to be running the show.

  • Moms who just want to raise great kids into great adults.

we wOrk with mOms frOm pregnancy
thrOugh early elementary schOOl tO:

  • Help you come out of the trenches of survival mode and live more fully

  • Find sustainable solutions to your most pressing parenting challenges

  • Build confidence in who you are as a mom so you can sort through the barrage of messages about what you “should” be doing with your kids and stand behind what you feel is best for your family

  • Establish the routines and habits that bring order to the chaos

  • Focus on building and strengthening the relationships in your family

  • Explore parenting and disciplinary styles

  • Be more present with your children and your partner

  • Smooth the transition to motherhood

  • Figure out who you are after children

  • Care for yourself while caring for a growing family



  • We start by exploring your strengths, what is already working well for your family, what you value and love, what you believe, and the things that bring you satisfaction and fulfillment. This groundwork will form the foundation for our coaching and allow us to build up and out toward a more ideal future.

    Then, we will work together to paint a bright and vivid picture of what you would like your life to look like, including the specific parenting challenges you would like to see habits and routines that help you feel strong and confident, building meaningful relationships within your family, developing the skills to parent effectively. How would it look and feel for you, if you were thriving? If you were free to dream about a more ideal future, what would be included in that vision?

    The rest of our time is spent working in the space between “where you are now” and “where you would like to be.” How do you get there? What steps need to occur? What new skills will you need and how can you use the ones you already have? Which assumptions and habits need to be challenged or changed? Which problems require some creativity to solve?

  • Any and every mom who has a desire to be a better parent to her children. Any mother who is willing to engage in the coaching process and explore the space they have for growth and transformation. All moms who feel they would benefit from having a non-judgmental space to talk about their parenting challenges and come up with workable solutions. All moms who need a place to talk about mom life in a way that isn’t quite appropriate for therapy but is a little deeper and more nuanced than a coffee date with a friend might offer.

    There isn’t a single one among us who is doing this perfectly, and we never will. But can we do better? Can we be more present? More confident? More poised? More patient?

    100%. You don’t have to do this alone. Let’s Mother Together

  • Therapy is a process that focuses on issues or traumas with an eye to resolving problematic patterns of thought, self-destructive habits, negative relationships, addressing your feelings, and healing emotional wounds.

    Coaching focuses more on your present reality as a neutral starting point and together we focus on the positive, your strength, what is working, and helps an individual take action steps toward a more desirable future reality.

    As a coach, I am careful to stay in my role and not assume the responsibility of therapist. While we will likely discuss obstacles and challenges you face, we will consistently refer back to your strengths and the things over which you have control.

    Coaching and therapy work beautifully in tandem to improve your quality of life.

  • Yes and no.

    No, coaching will not offer you a quick fix for specific challenges, nor will I pretend to have the magic solution you have been missing. No coach can fix the problems your family is facing, because we are talking about real people who aren’t machines that just need a tune-up to run more smoothly.

    For specific challenges, coaching will take you deep into the circumstances surrounding the problem, seek creative solutions, explore the relationships and environment around the issues, and try to identify workable ways to improve family life. My goal is to help you find sustainable solutions, not just a quick fix!

  • I am completing my certification through the Parent Coaching Institute and will be finished with the program in October. PCI has taught me the coaching model that we will use, has given me a wealth of experience (100+ hours of coaching), and deepened my knowledge of parenthood and grown my capacity for coaching.

    Since I am not certified, my prices are set accordingly. Upon completion of the program, clients can anticipate a price in crease to reflect my certification. Many life coaches boast no certification whatsoever, but I personally do not feel comfortable charging market prices when I have not finished my certification program.

    That said, I am confident in my capabilities as a coach, what I offer moms, and I value my time. I have witnessed deep change in mothers and seen incredible transformations in families. I have seen small, but significant growth for my clients week over week and together we celebrate progress and change!

    I will not pretend that I am anything resembling a perfect parent. I am a work in progress, and derive so much joy from working closely with other moms who want to grow! I learn from my clients and participate almost side-by-side with mothers in the process. The good news is that the coach is very rarely the best player on the field (so to speak). The coach is knowledgeable about the game, sees each player’s strengths and skills, helps them minimize weakness, and supports their training and practice to perform better. That’s exactly where I come in. As a mom of three with million imperfections and failings, I see my clients for who they are, what they bring to parenthood, and their limitless potential, and I want you to be confident and find your thrive!

  • I really wish I could! The success of coaching depends on a few things:

    • your participation in the coaching process

    • a willingness to be open, honest, and engaged

    • honesty about where you have room to improve

    • desire to grow

    • commitment to change. If you want something to change, you have to change something.

    If you can do this, your coaching will be a success.

  • We have three sOns ranging frOm 3-13 sO we have all sOrts Of chaOs in our wOrld. Mary helped us tO really fOcus on each child while giving us an imprOved OutlOOk On their behaviOrs and Our reactiOns.

    — Sarah, Mom of 3, Pittsburgh

  • Mary helped me by allOwing me tO Openly declare what bOundaries and gOals I wanted tO achieve and week by week Mary listened, prOvided innOvative and relevant feedback, and encOuraged me.

    — Becca


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